The Story of the Linguist and Boatman

1 min readMar 31, 2021

One day there was a linguist who took a boat ride with the boatman. while on the boat they chatted.

Linguist: hey boatman, do you know compound sentences?

Boatman: I don’t know sir

Linguist: sucks, you’re old, but compound sentences you don’t know. You’re the loser, old man. Do you understand what literary sentences are like?.

Boatman: I don’t understand sir.

Linguist: hmm, you’re old but you don’t understand literature. So, what’s your age spent?.

The linguist kept asking the boatman in a demeaning and harassing tone.

Suddenly a big storm came and made the ship they were riding almost sink. Things got into panic. Then the boatman asked the linguist,

Boatman: Sir, can you swim?.

Linguist: no, I can’t.

Boatman: You’re old, but you can’t swim. Then you’ll be dead soon. Goodbye, I’m leaving.

The boatman swam ashore and left the linguist alone.

the end.

What kind of teaching can you take from the story above? Write your thoughts in the comments field.

have a nice day…

